FGH Training Reference

Vehicles and Parking

Free parking is available at Listerhills, but you must abide by the following rules, failure to do so may result in your vehicle being banned from the site and disciplinary action:

  • All vehicles may be required to stop at the barrier, both inbound and outbound.
  • The site speed limit is 15mph, and there are speed bumps and other traffic calming measures in place.
  • Staff must park in the staff car parks; a one-way system is in place around the staff car parks that must be followed.
  • Only those managers and office staff allocated a parking place may park in the managers/office car park.
  • Employees must not park in the visitor’s car park.
  • Staff arriving in taxis or a lift must be dropped off in the staff car parks, they must not drive along the road to reception.

Prohibited Items

Certain items are not permitted inside the warehouse and the following list, whilst comprehensive is not exhaustive, and FGH reserves the right to add/remove items from the following list of prohibited items:

  • Smart phones and tablets (non-smartphones may be allowed by prior arrangement and agreement from site management).
  • Cameras or other recording equipment.
  • MP3 players, iPods, Walkman’s, etc.
  • Cigarettes or other smoking materials, lighters, and matches.
  • Any type of bag, holdall, suitcase, etc. (clear bags are permitted for carrying lunch, toiletries, etc.)

Such items must be left in lockers in the changing rooms.


No Smoking

Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is only permitted in the smoking shelter on the lower staff car park.

  • You are not to smoke in your cars.
  • You are not to smoke while walking around the site, including from and to the site entrance.
  • All cigarettes must be fully extinguished and placed in the cigarette bins provided.

Eating and Drinking

Eating and drinking are only permitted in designated areas, these are:

  • The canteen.
  • Rest rooms.
  • Picnic benches outside.

Food and hot drinks are not to be consumed at workstations. Water in lidded bottles is permitted at your workstation.



All staff may be requested to submit to a search at any time whilst on company premises. This may include the person, belongings, locker, or vehicle.

All staff exiting the warehouse must pass through the security scanner.

Staff should follow the instructions of Security Officers at all times.

Anyone who refuses to submit to a search will be asked to complete a refusal of the search form and may face disciplinary action.



Cameras are fitted throughout the warehouse and images are being monitored and recorded for the purposes of security, crime prevention, and health and safety.

ID Badges

All staff are required to carry their ID badge when on-site, they may be required to show it on entry to the warehouse and will need it to gain entry to some locations. You must be prepared to present your ID card to a Security Officer or site management on request.

Clear Signature
DD slash MM slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.