Listerhills Site Induction

  • Thank you for completing your registration and screening process for work.
    Please read the below carefully prior to your start or as soon as possible for those who have already started. If at any time you have any questions or require additional information regarding the below, please call your agency on 01422 413813.
  • All Third-Party users of the Listerhills Warehouse (hereinafter referred to as the Third Party) must provide adequate site induction training to all of its employees, contractors and sub-contractors before allowing them to work on the site.

    The Third-Party must provide FGH with a regularly updated nominal roll of all employees on the site which should also indicate that they have received induction training.

    The site induction must include the following:

    Employees Vehicles

    • Vehicles may be required to stop at the gatehouse inbound or outbound if requested.
    • The speed limit on site is 15mph.
    • Employees' vehicles must only be parked in staff car parks.
    • Taxis must not drive along the road directly in front of reception, they should drop their passengers in the staff car park.

    Warehouse Security

    • Visitors to the site must report to security at reception, sign in, and be issued with a visitor’s badge. They must also book out at reception and hand in their visitor’s badge when leaving.
    • All personnel are to enter and exit the warehouse via reception and should follow the instructions of security staff at all times. Entering and exiting the warehouse through any other entrance bypasses the site security procedures and is forbidden.
    • Only see-through bags are allowed in the warehouse, personnel may carry see-through bags into the site, or can transfer belongings into see-through bags, a supply is available in reception. Coats, personal mobile phones, handbags, cigarettes, lighters, and matches are not allowed into the warehouse. These items should be placed into a locker, communal lockers are available on a limited basis, keys can be collected, and must be returned from/to reception EVERY SHIFT.
    • Eating and drinking is not allowed in the warehouse apart from in designated places. Canteen facilities are available for you to use providing you are clean and dressed appropriately. There are also rest areas in each department with drinks machines etc.
    • The site operates a strict smoke-free policy. Smoking is not permitted anywhere on this site except in the designated sheltered smoking area situated to the left of the main doors when exiting the building.
    • Alcohol consumption, substance abuse, and the use of illegal substances is not permitted on FGH sites. Staff may be refused entry or ejected if they are, or are believed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs and may be requested to submit to drug/alcohol tests under certain circumstances.
    • The company operates a stop and search policy which includes body, car, and bags. Staff may be requested to submit to a search at ANY TIME whilst on company premises.
    • All staff exiting the warehouse must pass through the security tunnel scanners.
    • Personnel are not to venture into areas where they have no business unless using the recognised routes to their working area.

    Health and Safety

    • The Third-Party is to agree with FGH management on which assembly point to use in the event of a fire.
    • The Third-Party must appoint a responsible person to account for all of their employees, this information must be passed to the main site controller.
    • All Third Party employees, contractors, and sub-contractors are to be made aware of the Listerhills Fire Procedures as issued, in particular:
    • To familiarise staff with the sound of the fire alarm and to ensure that each of our call points and fire alarm sounders function correctly testing of the fire alarm sounders will take place weekly. Sounder tests will last for approximately 10 seconds and will occur at precisely: Monday 06.15 hours, 11.00 hours, and 15.00 hours. Sunday 11.00 hours. (THERE IS NO NEED TO EVACUATE THE BUILDING WHEN THE TEST TAKES PLACE).
    • At all other times upon hearing the fire alarm or upon discovering a fire you MUST exit the building by the nearest exit and report to the designated assembly point. (If you discover the fire you must operate the nearest manual call point on your way out).
    • The site is a High Vis only site – so you must wear a high visibility jacket or waistcoat at all times when inside the building or the grounds as well as other items of PPE as appropriate.
    • No person is to operate any tools, machines, or other equipment unless they have received documented training.
    • No person is to operate any Material Handling Equipment (MHE) including FLT’s, Reach trucks, and Man-riders unless they have the required qualification (RTITB/ITSSAR) and have been assessed as competent by an FGH trainer.
    • No MHE apart from pallet trucks and pedestrian (walk along) trucks are allowed on the back of curtain-sided vehicles.
    • MHE operators are to be aware of their surroundings at all times and are to make pedestrians and other MHE users aware of their presence by sounding the horn frequently, especially when approaching corners, doorways, etc.
    • Personnel are to be familiar with all trucking routes and pedestrian routes.
    • All accidents, regardless of severity are to be reported to FGH, and an accident report and if deemed necessary an incident investigation form is to be completed.
    • There are up to 30 qualified first aiders on site at Listerhills covering all operating hours and areas. The is always a duty first aider who is contactable on 07808729676 between 0800 – 1500 or 07771983850 between 1400 – 2200.
    • All personnel are to be familiar with the location of the first aid room in the Returns department.
    • There are two defibrillators on-site, one in the first aid room and one in reception, all FGH first aiders are trained in their use.
    • Only good, robust, 4-way pallets are to be used in racking and they must be inspected before being placed in racking.
    • Damaged pallets are not to be used.
    • Empty pallets must not be stacked more than 16 high.
    • Pallets must not be stood on end.
    • Fire exits, walkways, and trucking routes are to be kept clear at all times.
    • Housekeeping is to be kept to a high standard in all areas.
    • All personnel have a legal and moral obligation to report any health and safety concerns to their manager.
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