Reference request Step 1 of 3 - About the applicant 33% About the applicantUse this form to send a reference request. Simply fill in the details and an email will be sent to the referee.Applicant name* First Last Applicant job title* Date of birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Reference questionsJob title* Date from* Day Month Year Date to* Day Month Year Specific dates of employment (Please use exact dates)Nature of work, specific duties, responsibilities*Reason for leaving employment?* If dismissed, please supply details: Was the applicant honest and trustworthy at all times?* Yes No As you've answered 'no' to the previous question, please can you supply details?* During employment was the applicant the subject of a disciplinary procedure?* Yes No As you've answered 'yes' to the previous question, please provide more details and the outcome.* Would you re-employ the applicant?* Yes No As you have indicated 'no' can you please state the reason(s) why?* If you have any other information you feel would be relevant to an employer about this applicant, please share it here.Please tick the option which accurately applies to the applicantGeneral conduct* Excellent Good Satisfactory Below average Poor Work performance* Excellent Good Satisfactory Below average Poor Attitude at work* Excellent Good Satisfactory Below average Poor Initiative* Excellent Good Satisfactory Below average Poor Time keeping* Excellent Good Satisfactory Below average Poor Relationship with colleagues* Excellent Good Satisfactory Below average Poor Relationship with customers* Excellent Good Satisfactory Below average Poor The reference providerThese are the details of the person that will provide the referenceName* First Last Email* Signature*Date* PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.