W.E. Rawson Questionnaire Agency worker name First Last Start date DD slash MM slash YYYY Agency worker email The following checklist relates to topics covered during the first-day induction programme for agency workers. A copy of this checklist will be kept for future reference in the person's training record.Please tick off to confirm the documents you have received. 1. Employee handbookIssue 3, November 2020(Required) Received 2. Training documentsWER EP 001 - Emergency Procedures(Required) Received WER SWP 005 - Retractable blade knives(Required) Received WER SWP 020 - Lock off Tag off(Required) Received WER SWP 022 - General Activities(Required) Received For your reference, you can view and download all the required documents below. Employee Handbook – Issue 3, November 2020 WER EP 001 - Emergency Procedures WER SWP 005 - Retractable blade knives WER SWP 020 - Lock off Tag off WER SWP 022 - General Activities Signature(Required)Date completed(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY To be completed by the agencyDepartmentMachineAdditional information Fire assembly point Location of security cabin for first aid treatment Site entry/exit through middle turnstile Location of main notice board in middle turnstile area Introduction to department safety representative Middle yard and awareness of traffic, FLT’s & HGs Awareness of internal traffic, FLT’s Show designated internal walkways and crossings Show toilets and canteen areas Introduction to department Supervisor/Manager Risk assessment for machine completed Risk Assessement reference numberI confirm that I have followed the agency workers induction process as above and have been issued with a copy of the W. E. Rawson Agency Workers Handbook. I agree to abide by the company rules and safe working procedures contained therein. Signature(Required)Date completed(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.